@DATABASE ProTitler.guide @REMARK "You shouldn't be able to read this comment, so why are you poking" @REMARK "around in this file? I did provide viewguide with this program, so" @REMARK "my guess is that you're either missing a few files or making an" @REMARK "illegal modification.. Maybe you're missing the Amigaguide.library" @REMARK "file - I have included it in extras.lha." @INDEX INDEX @NODE MAIN @TITLE "ProTitler Video Titling System (C) 1994-5 By Jason Henegan" $? M ?$ M$ M$ M $M M$ M$ $M M$ M$kMM$ M$$M kMMM? MMMM M MMMM M$ $MM$? M kM MM? ?M$ MMM? Mk $M M$ M $M M$ Mk $M MMk M M Mk $M $M $$$$$$$ M$ M $M M$ $M $M M$ M M M$ $M $M $$$$$$$ M$ M $M M$ $MMMMMMM M M M M$ $M $M M$ M $M M$ $M M M$ $k M$ ?M? k$ M$ M $M M$ ?M? ?$ M MMk$kM? M$ $M$$Mk Mk$ M $M$ M$ $M$$$M$ M M ?$$ $? ?$$$ $$ $ $$ $? $$$ $ M M ProTitler Video Titling System (c) 1994-5 By Jason Henegan All rights reserved @{" Introduction " link Introduction } Introduction to ProTitler @{" Disclaimer " link Disclaimer } Legal disclaimer (Must Read) @{" Distribution " link Distribution } Distribution details (Must Read) @{" Versions " link Versions } Version list to-date @{" Known Bugs " link KnownBugs } Known bugs to-date @{" Installation " link RunningProTitler} Installing and running ProTitler (Must Read) @{" Effects " link Effects } The effects you can use! @{" Settings Menu " link SettingsMenu } Change Protitler's settings @{" Misc Menu " link MiscMenu } Any extras. @{" Future To-Do's " link Future } Future additions to ProTitler? @{" Author Contact " link Contact } Knowing me, the author, knowing you (ah-hah) @{" Thanks to.. " link Thanks } Thanks to various people @ENDNODE @NODE Disclaimer @TITLE "ProTitler Disclaimer" Disclaimer ~~~~~~~~~~~~ No warranties of _any_ kind (expressed or implied) are made as to the functionality of this program, its merchantability or its fitness for any particular purpose. The author cannot be held legally responsible for any consequence (for example, but not restricted to, damage caused) of owning or using this software or documentation. All rights reserved. The author cannot be held legally responsible (liable) for errors or omissions in either the program or any documentation. Due to continual updating the contents of this guide and the ProTitler distribution may change without notice. You can @{" contact " link contact} me to find out what the latest version number is. You are using it all at your own risk. The name 'ProTitler' and the ProTitler distribution is not intentionally meant to resemble any video titling software or hardware, and any such resemblance is unintentional and purely coincidental. ProTitler is a unique video titler which goes beyond static and scrolling credit lists. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This document assumes a familiarity with the AmigaDOS system - if you are unsure about terms such as "fonts drawer", or processes such as copying files then consult your manual. ProTitler may require a modification of your WorkBench disk or partition as part of the @{" installation " link RunningProtitler} process. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The author acknowledges trademarks of products or companies mentioned within the ProTitler distribution. @ENDNODE @NODE Distribution @TITLE "Distribution Details" Distribution Details ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please press the button below which represents the version of ProTitler you are using: @{" Unregistered " link Unregistered} @{" Registered " link Registered} @ENDNODE @NODE Unregistered @TITLE "Distribution for unregistered ProTitler" Distribution - Unregistered ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ProTitler may be freely distributed for non-commercial purposes, as long as the files in the archive are present and have not been modified in any way. All files remain (c) Jason Henegan 1994-5. No charge for ProTitler may be made, other than a reasonable cost to cover the media and copying time. If you wish to include Unregistered-ProTitler as part of a commercial product, @{" contact " link Contact} me first unless the gross price of your product is less than £5 sterling. If you wish to feature ProTitler on a magazine coverdisk, club newsletter or similar, please send me a copy (out of courtesy). 'Freely distributed' means you could: · Try out ProTitler and give it to your friends. · Upload ProTitler to your favourite BBS or FTP site and thereby receive 'upload credits'. · Send ProTitler to your favourite PD company if it involves receiving no more than a free disk (if that's how they do things). · Add ProTitler to a Fred Fish PD disk/CD or Aminet CD (or similar) provided it contains at least 20mb of other genuine freeware/shareware. You may NOT: · Alter any or all of the ProTitler distribution. · Claim to be the author. You may keep ProTitler in your software collection for a period of ONE WEEK without @{" registering " link Registration}. If you are honest, this won't be a problem.. Not that I'm saying that the program examines date-stamps to check up on you.. (EVIL GRIN) You have probably already spent some money either downloading this software from a BBS or ordering it from a PD company, and may think that registering is unfair. Maybe you're right - but don't you think the author should be rewarded in some way? It's only until you produce some shareware software that you appreciate the value of registering. @ENDNODE @NODE Registered @TITLE "Distribution for registered ProTitler" Distribution - Registered ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The registered version of ProTitler may not be freely distributed. All files remain (c) Jason Henegan 1994-5. If you have registered ProTitler you are agreeing not to break any of these terms and conditions: 1· Copy, transmit, broadcast, recompile, port or replicate in any form the registered version of ProTitler (and its distribution files) for use on ANY machine other than your own (or the one you work at). 2· Copy, transmit, broadcast, recompile, port or replicate in any form the registered version of ProTitler (and its distribution files) for use by anyone other than yourself. (One registration to one person.) Rules 1-2 imply you may make PERSONAL backup copies of ProTitler. 3· Alter any of ProTitler. 4· Claim that you are the author. 5· Use ProTitler as part of a commercial product without my prior consent. i.e. @{" contact " link Contact} me first. Also @{" press here " link SoftwareCompany}. 'Commercial product' refers to anything which, in any form, is sold. 6· Use ProTitler for broadcast on TV, where you are given money to produce a programme or given money for production of the programme. If you are not given money (ie Public Access Channel) that's OK. If not, @{" contact " link Contact} me first, and make me a cash offer I can't refuse. 7· I (your name here) assume civil and/or criminal liability if I knowingly breach the above terms and conditions. I understand them fully and agree not to break them. This means that I cannot stage a defense if I am justifiably caught breaking any of them. I agree to pay any and all legal/administration charges for the author if a case against me requires third-party intervention, even if I am cleared of any alleged wrong-doing. I understand the author cannot be held responsible for any damages or losses caused, either directly or indirectly by any part of the ProTitler distribution. If you have registered but do not agree to the terms and conditions shown above, then please destroy your copy of ProTitler. If you use ProTitler responsibly then this should not be a problem. @ENDNODE @NODE RunningProTitler @TITLE "Installing and running ProTitler" Installing ProTitler ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ProTitler requires these fonts to be present in your FONTS: drawer: Times 18 Helvetica 15 Times 24 Helvetica 18 Helvetica 24 You'll have to copy them yourself.. They can be found on your WorkBench FONTS disk. If they're not there, ProTitler will run, but will look UGLY! (If you don't own these fonts at all, you MAY be able to 'wangle' Protitler into working by copying an existing font with these sizes and changing the font names.) An AmigaDOS command might be something like this: copy MyFontsDisk:fonts/times#? fonts: all Or, of course, you could drag them over on Workbench. Running from floppy-disk ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Load ProTitler by double-clicking on the "Floppy-Load" icon. This will allow the program to read the fonts I have provided. DON'T double-click on the actual ProTitler icon unless you've copied the fonts across to your FONTS: drawer because it won't work. Running from hard-disk ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Copy the fonts on the ProTitler disk to your FONTS: drawer. Copy everything else onto your hard-disk wherever you like. You now don't need the Floppy-Load icon so you may delete it. Run ProTitler with its icon. You may have to copy 'Protitler.pt.settings' across too, since in later versions of the program I may decide to incorporate more information in this file. Running your NEW @{" Registered " link Registration} version ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Don't delete your unregistered program disk as it contains fonts which the registered version may need. From floppy: Run ProTitler from your registered disk (Floppy-load icon) From hard-disk: Replace the unregistered program with the registered program. Double-click as normal. Depending on your new version of ProTitler, I may have provided more fonts. If this is the case, you may like to copy them over to your hard-disk fonts drawer. Some of the features are memory-hungry and may require you making some provision to save memory (eg kill external drives) but virtually all should run fine on a 1mb system. Registered Version: Unpacking the @{" .lha archive " link Extras} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The registered version comes complete with an LHA archive full of goodies. To unpack the archive, double-click on the 'extract archive' icon or use your favourite directory utility. @ENDNODE @NODE Introduction @TITLE "ProTitler-Introduction" Introduction ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ProTitler purports to be one of the finest video titling systems for the Amiga (all bar Scala!). It has a wide range of @{" effects " link Effects } mainly designed with the genlock-user in mind, however if you don't have a genlock, the program still remains useful for video titling work. I have incorporated a number of features which I hope you will find useful. This guide will show you how to get the most out of the ProTitler system. There are a few aspects of ProTitler which require a little patience but I'll try to explain these as best I can. I've included a comprehensive user-interface which I hope you'll find easy to use. ProTitler should run fine on any 1mb Amiga (ECS or AGA). However only ECS graphics are supported: · Low-res 320x256 32 Colours, EHB or HAM · Low-res Laced 320x512 32 Colours, EHB or HAM · High-res 640x256 Up to 16 colours · High-res Laced 640x512 Up to 16 colours ProTitler also supports NTSC - vertical resolutions up to 200/400 only. Some of ProTitler's @{" effects " link Effects} are very memory-hungry and may require in excess of 1mb CHIP ram to be useful. ProTitler is Shareware. Some of the @{" effects " link Effects} are only available in the @{" registered " link Registration} version. ProTitler supports a demonstration mode for ALL effects which you may use, but to control the effects you need to register. @ENDNODE @NODE Effects @Title "ProTitler's Effects" ProTitler's Supported Effects ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These effects may be found in the Project/New Project menu. You can read @{" general information " link GenInfo} about using these effects (please read because it may save you time later on). Unregistered version: You may only use effects which are in GREEN letters, and must @{" register " link Registration} to use the RED ones. NG @{" TV Trailer " link TVTrailer} @{" Action Replay " link ActionReplay} @{" Sports Scoring " link SportsScoring} @{" Icon Captions " link IconCaptions} @{" System Clock " link SystemClock} @{" Stopwatch " link Stopwatch} @{" Countdown Timer " link CountdownTimer} @{" Scrolltext " link Scrolltext} 1mb NG @{" Vertical Credits " link Credits} NG @{" Table " link Table} NG @{" Subtitles " link Subtitles} NG @{" Picture Slideshow " link StaticPicture} 1mb NG @{" Scrolling Pictures " link ScrollingPictures} NG @{" Analogue Timer " link AnalogueTimer} 1mb @{" VCR Graphics " link VCRGraphics} @{" Scratchy Film " link ScratchyFilm} @{" Frame Counter " link FrameCounter} 1mb: Suitable for use with 1mb Chip-mem minimum NG: No genlock required The appearance of both ProTitler and these effects can be changed within the @{" SETTINGS MENU " link SettingsMenu}. You may link two or more of these projects together by selecting the @{" Linker " link projectlinker} in the project menu. @ENDNODE @NODE ProjectLinker @TITLE "Project Linker" Project Linker ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is used to link two or more projects together sequentially. In order to do this, you must have previously designed and saved your effects to disk. The linker will then load and execute them in the order you specify them. Add Project: Adds a saved project to the end of the list. RUN: Executes the list of projects in order. NOTE: It may be necessary to press the mouse button more than once between effects. This is to allow flexibility in syncronising the effects. @ENDNODE @NODE GenInfo @TITLE "General Information" General Information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NOTE: You can read this guide and play around in ProTitler by pressing lAmiga-A when ProTitler has loaded. This will switch between ProTitler and the WorkBench screen. When you select an effect to create, you are issued with a dialogue box similar to this: +--------------------------------------------+ | | | T V T r a i l e r | | ------------------------------- | | | | A simple way to advertise TV programmes. | | | | | | @{" Screen Colours: " link ScrCols} [ 4 ] [ 8 ] [ 16 ] | | | | | | @{"[ Demo ]" link Demo} @{"[ OK ]" link OK} @{"[ Cancel ]" link Cancel} | | | +--------------------------------------------+ Many effect's parameters require you to enter an X and Y location. This is (unless otherwise stated) a percentage from the top-left of the screen: .-----------------------------. |(0,0) (100,0)| | | | | | (50,50) | | | | | |(0,100) (100,100)| '-----------------------------' All effects have a menu which you can access with the right mouse-button. It contains the following selections which are self-explanatory: +-----------------+ | Load Project... | | Save Project... | |-----------------| | Abort... | +-----------------+ ProTitler uses a number of non-standard gadgets (like buttons) for entering data for effects. It is recommended you familiarise yourself with them, so that you won't have any problems. You can try them all out by looking in the @{" Misc Menu " link MiscMenu} for a @{" Gadget Test " link GadgetTest}. ProTitler's effects may require the use of macros: @{" Formatting macros " link TextMacros} allow you to change the position of text. @{" Character macros " link ExtraMacros} allow you to add (c) and (r) characters. Also, within gadgets, certain punctuation characters are used to space out information. These MUST be included (examples are given). Text within the effects can be in any colour up to the number of colours in the screen. Colours are referenced by a single HEX digit which will be one of the following: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f - You don't need a $ of 0x qualifier, just the digit or letter. Some effects allow you to load in IFF pictures. These MUST be ECS compatible and up to a resolution of 1023x1023 (memory permitting). They do not auto- scroll (except in @{" Scrolling Pictures "link ScrollingPictures}). Font Selector ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is used to select a font when an effect prints text to the screen. Use the left mouse-button to select the font, the right mouse-button allows you to pick more fonts (if more are available). NOTE: ProTitler will not function correctly with compugraphic fonts - and operation is unpredictable even if these fonts are in the FONTS: drawer. Multi-line text entry gadget ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Appears as a large empty box on the screen. You can do the following: - Activate/move the cursor by clicking inside with the mouse - Edit like a normal text editor using backspace,delete,CR etc - Clear all text with amiga-c - Import text with amiga-l - Export text with amiga-s - Insert font descriptor with amiga-f @ENDNODE @NODE ScrCols @TITLE "Screen Colours" Screen Colours ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The @{" effects " link Effects} within ProTitler each run on their own custom screen. The number of colours in this screen affects not only the number of colours available for on-screen text, but also makes the effects slightly slower. (Don't panic, speed decrease is marginal!) Set 4 colours if you only want one-colour text. ProTitler uses the first four colours as follows: 0: Genlock Transparent 1: Dark Blue - good for text backgrounds 2: Black - Opaque black used for text shadows 3: White - Used for text lettering itself This mode uses very little chip-mem and is very fast at rendering text. Set 8 colours if you have more chip-mem or if you require more on-screen text colours. Colours 4 to 7 may be used as extra text colours. Set 16 colours if you have oodles of chipmem (eg an A1200/4000). Colours 4 to 15 may be used for on-screen text colours. NOTE: Fonts will take much more time to render in this mode, so only select it if you really really need that many colours. You can see how much @{" chip-mem " link ChipFree} you have inside the @{" Misc Menu " link MiscMenu}. @ENDNODE @NODE Demo @TITLE "Demo Button" Demo Mode ~~~~~~~~~~~ All @{" effects " link Effects} within ProTitler (whether or not they're @{" registered "link Registration}) have a DEMO mode. This allows you to see what the effects are like before creating one. The actual data for the demo is contained within the program and stems from test data I used when creating ProTitler. It is recommended that you study the demos before creating a new effect, since the data for the demo will be copied to the creation dialogue box. @ENDNODE @NODE OK @TITLE "OK Button" OK Button ~~~~~~~~~~~ Click here if you know how to create the effect and don't require a @{" demo " link Demo}. A dialogue box will appear for the @{" effect "link Effects} for you to configure the parameters. If you have not yet @{" registered " link Registration} you may not create some effects. These are RED in the menu. You must register to use them. @ENDNODE @NODE Cancel @TITLE "Cancel Button" Cancel Button ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This button cancels the New Project requester. It will allow you to pick a new selection from the menu. You will have to press this button if you attempt to create an @{" effect " link Effects} which requires the @{" registered " link Registration} version of ProTitler, but you only have the unregistered version.. @ENDNODE @NODE TVTrailer @TITLE "TV Trailer" TV Trailer ~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is designed to resemble US TV captions for television programmes. Two lines of text are wiped onto the screen (intended for the programme name and its time). Text : The various pages of the trailer. One page consists of two lines of the form: line1/line2 eg: Celebrity Mud Wrestling/Sunday, 9:30pm Y Pos : A percentage, how far down the screen the trailer should lie. Speed : The speed (in pixels/50th-sec) at which the wipe-right effect takes place. 30 is fine. Font : The font for the effect. May be changed by clicking on the 'pick' button. The other three gadgets are colour requesters. @ENDNODE @NODE ActionReplay @TITLE "Action Replay" Action Replay ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In days of olde, when computers were first used to overlay graphics on sports programmes, a flashing 'R' used to appear to indicate an action replay. It looked rather blocky and cheap and very low-tech. This effect recreates that 'R' in painful low-res. I imagine it would look great on the kiddie's football matches (or something). X Size 1,Y Size 1 : Zoom factor for the first frame of the 'R' (there are two frames). X Size 2,Y Size 2 : Zoom factor for the second frame - make this value larger, and the 'R' will pulsate! X Pos, Y Pos : Position (see @{" General Information " link GenInfo}). Shadow : Shadow size, in pixels. A shadow is always displayed - just have it in the right colour (ie not black). Time : Time (in 1/50s) between size swaps. @ENDNODE @NODE SportsScoring @TITLE "Sports Scoring" Sports Scoring ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This effect was inspired from watching sport on TV. In the UK, football matches have the score shown while the match is taking place, even with a timer. This effect duplicates it perfectly. Team 1, Team 2 : The teams taking part in the match. Score , Score : The initial scores for the two teams. X Pos , Y Pos : Position (see @{" General Information " link GenInfo}). Minute : The minute the timer should start at. For English football matches this will be either 0 or 45. Timer : Toggle the timer on/off. Font : The font to use. Border : The colour to surround the text. (Try 1 - dark blue) When the timer is running, you can press the left or right arrow keys to increase the score of that team. Also, press 't' to toggle the timer on/off. @ENDNODE @NODE IconCaptions @TITLE "Icon Captions" Icon Captions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A demo of this is recommended. On UK TV there's a programme called 'The Chart Show' which uses an Amiga to display information about music groups. This effect attempts to duplicate it and provide some pseudo-interactive way of displaying information. Picture : The background picture to display (select with 'pick'). The large entry field in the centre shows the message 'bubbles' to be displayed. There are four in the demo and are made up as follows: [x],[y].[colour]:[line1]/[line2]/...../\ [x] [y] : COORDINATES (not percentages). Colour : Border colour of the bubble. line1/line2/.... : lines of the text, seperated by a '/' and terminated by a '\'. These MUST be included. eg : 10,20.5:This is line 1/This is line 2/Last Line/\ The program doesn't interpret floating point numbers so '20.5' is two numbers. EACH and EVERY line must end in a '/' and EACH AND EVERY bubble must end in a '\'. Failure to do so will end in a crash. Ha ha! ;) Clear Y : When all bubbles have been activated, the program will clear the screen starting at this coordinate (not percentage). Click again to clear the screen totally. @ENDNODE @NODE SystemClock @TITLE "System Clock" System Clock ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Inspired by breakfast television, the on-screen clock simply takes the system's clock time and displays it in 24hr format. Perfect for live hookup of the Amiga! (If you want to fake a time, just change the system's clock.) @ENDNODE @NODE Stopwatch @TITLE "Stopwatch" Stopwatch ~~~~~~~~~~~ This is useful for anything that needs to be timed. It has been designed with sport in mind, however. The timer is started, and can be suspended with the left mouse-button (a 'lap' or 'split' time is shown). When timing is complete (press the right mouse-button) the timing sponsor is shown. Lap : What to print when the left mouse-button is held. eg: LAP or SPLIT Timing : Who provides the timing - Commodore in this case, or could be the name of YOUR company. Flash : Toggle, if you want the 'Lap' message flashing or not. ' ' : No centiseconds 1/100s : Centiseconds timed at 1/100s Frame : Centiseconds timed with frames (1/25s PAL 1/30s NTSC) (See also @{" Frame Counter " link FrameCounter}.) Border : Border size, in pixels. @ENDNODE @NODE CountdownTimer @TITLE "Countdown Timer" Countdown Timer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Inspired by game-shows, this is a countdown timer accurate to 1/50s. Its usage is limited up to 99 minutes 59s. The timer will start at the stated minute and second, and will count down to zero. Border : Border size, in pixels (to 'outline' the timer). 1/100s : Toggle, include centiseconds on the timer? Note the timer can be suspended by clicking the left mouse-button, and reset early to 0:00:00 with the right button. @ENDNODE @NODE Scrolltext @TITLE "Scrolltext" Scrolltext ~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is used to pass information across the screen horizontally. Could be used for in-show information, or maybe credits too. Text : The entry field shows the text to display. IMPORTANT: If you want to change the pen colour of the text, insert a @{" colour macro " link TextMacros}. Speed : Scrolling speed in pixels per 1/50s. Border : Start- and end-border size around the text, in pixels. Note: The lines of the entry field are just concatenated, and some lines end in spaces - try removing them. Also, due to the speed of your machine, you may need to reduce the number of screen colours used (if 'jumping' occurs). You may also have to kill any multi-tasking programs (eg a clock) to get maximum processor time. @ENDNODE @NODE Credits @TITLE "Credits" Credits ~~~~~~~~~ Possibly the most 'familiar' effect - the vertically scrolling credit list, useful to people with/without genlocks. If mastered can give a professional credit list. Text : The text in the credits (see @{" Formatting Macros " link TextMacros}). Speed : A percentage relative to 50 vertical pixels per second scrolling. Wide : In 'Span-in' and 'Span-out' this value represents a width, in pixels, of the inside/outside border. Experiment. When you 'RUN' this effect, please be patient for a few seconds while the pages of your credit list are rendered. This will take longer if you are in a 16 colour screen, have large fonts, or a long text list. @ENDNODE @NODE Table @TITLE "Table" Table ~~~~~~~ This is a very versatile table which, when mastered, can be used to display any information. I've included a soccer-score demo, but it could equally have been a cricket, or baseball score page. Title : Not surprisingly, the title of the table. Goes at the top. ;) The entry field is a little like that used for the credits. Before editing this field, decide on how many VERTICAL COLUMNS your table will have. The demo has three. Text : Each line of the table is dealt with individually. (See @{" Formatting Macros " link TextMacros}.) Widths : These are widths of the vertical columns (in percentages). they'll need to add up to 100 and there must be one for every column you entered in the entry field above. As I said, if it's mastered, it can prove VERY useful. @ENDNODE @NODE Subtitles @TITLE "Subtitles" Subtitles ~~~~~~~~~~~ Subtitles are usually seen on foreign films to translate the dialogue. But in ProTitler's case, are used to display static text on the screen. Subtitles are pages of text, consisting of a number of lines. The entry field contains lines of text that make up the pages of subtitles. The exact format of these lines is similar to that used in @{" Credits "link Credits} (see @{" Formatting Macros " link TextMacros}.) Y Pos : Vertical location as a percentage (0=top 100=bottom) Border : Background border size, in pixels. The left mouse-button proceeds to the next frame. The right mouse-button clears the current frame (in case the time between frames is large, and you don't want the text just hanging there). @ENDNODE @NODE StaticPicture @TITLE "Picture Slideshow" Picture Slideshow ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This simply displays pictures on the screen - no fancy fades (yet?) wipes or other effects, just displays it. Entry Gadget : Picture list to use Y Pos : Vertical location as a percentage (see @{" General Information " link GenInfo}). Add Picture : Append a picture to the list @ENDNODE @NODE ScrollingPictures @TITLE "Scrolling Pictures" Scrolling Pictures ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Same as vertically scrolling credits, except you have the opportunity to DRAW the credits yourself (e.g. in DPaint). It's useful if you can't understand the formatting macros in 'Credits' :). I've included a 5 screen demo (files small1.iff - small5.iff). (The registered version also includes big1.iff - big5.iff in @{" Extras.lha " link Extras}.) Base Pic : The filename used to create a list of pictures to use. The program likes pictures ending in '.iff' or '.ilbm' ONLY. You can have @{" CinemaScope " link SetCine} turned on, you can have 6 pictures. If it's off, you can have 8 pictures. eg : Base picture=blah.iff loads: blah1.iff blah2.iff blah3.iff " " blah8.iff (etc) In the file selector, you can pick any of the 'blah's. Speed : Scrolling speed, as a percentage of 50 pixels/sec. Hold Last : Toggle, if you want the last picture of the list held static until the mouse button is pressed. (Useful for copyright messages.) NOTE: This effect is VERY memory-hungry and may be impossible on machines with a small amount of chip-mem. Use as few colours as possible. The screens MUST be ECS compatible (sorry, no AGA yet) and up to a size of 640x1020 pixels. @ENDNODE @NODE AnalogueTimer @TITLE "Analogue Timer" Analogue Timer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is a basic analogue 'clock' which counts down from a maximum of 45 seconds. It's used behind-the-scenes to coordinate adverts and other things. Once you watch the demo you'll know what I'm on about. Text Gadget : Enter here a number of lines of text: what your video is about. Seconds : Number of seconds the timer counts down from (from 0 to 45). Font : The font to use. I recommend Expanded 16 which is part of the @{" registered "link Registration} distribution). NOTE: At any time while the clock is counting down you may press the left mouse-button and clear the screen. This will stop the timer. @ENDNODE @NODE VCRGraphics @TITLE "VCR Graphics" VCR Graphics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Makes your home videos look more like they were shot from a camcorder! It adds the following graphics to the screen: Battery Level Indicator Search Direction Channel Number Date & Time Battery Indicator: ------------------ Text: Colour to draw the battery indicator in. Pos X,Pos Y: Location (see @{" General Information " link GenInfo}). Level: Number of power-bars. 3= E---F 5=E-----F Direction Indicator: -------------------- Text: Colour to draw the direction indicator in. Flash: Whether or not the text will flash. Flashrate: Time (in 1/50s) between flash toggle (lower=faster). Pos X,Pos Y: Location (see @{" General Information " link GenInfo}. >>,FWD: Selects the graphics to use for the direction. >> sets: << || >> FWD sets: REW PAUSE FWD Channel: -------- Pos X,Pos Y: Location (see @{" General Information " link GenInfo}. Digits: Number of digits in the channel number: 1 sets: 1 2 3 2 sets: 01 02 03 (etc) Scale: The zoom factor of the channel number, 2=normal size, so 4 would be double the size of all other graphics. Date & Time: ------------ Pos X,Pos Y: Location (see @{" General Information " link GenInfo}. Entry Field: This is the string to use for the date. NOTE: This effect can consume large amounts of CHIP-MEM. You will need in excess of 1mb chip-mem to (safely) run this effect. During operation, the following keys are active: 'b' Toggles on/off battery level indicator 'c' Toggles on/off channel indicator 'r' Toggles on/off (or change to) REWIND 'p' Toggles on/off (or change to) PAUSE 'f' Toggles on/off (or change to) FAST FORWARD 0-9 Activates channel number (in 2-digit mode, you will need to press two numbers for the channel to change) 'd' Cycle through date & time formats @ENDNODE @NODE ScratchyFilm @TITLE "Scratchy Film" Scratchy Film: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is intended to 'age' your videos by superimposing dirt and other things onto the screen. If you have seen very old movies (1930's) you'll notice that they all have somethings in common: 1) They are covered in static 2) Strange vertical lines appear on them (scratches) 3) Hairs often appear on the film. To try and create a similar effect I have added these features: Dots ---- Dots: Number of dots drawn per frame. Dots are black and white only. Lines ----- Lines: Max number of vertical lines per frame. Random: Probability a line will appear on the frame (high number = low prob.) Lines are drawn in colour 3 (default white) Hairs ----- Random: Probability a hair will appear on the frame (high number = low prob.) ProTitler draws one of eight random hairs in the frames. @ENDNODE @NODE FrameCounter @Title "Frame Counter" Frame Counter: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Another effect intended to resemble a frame counter for editing suites. (See also @{" Stopwatch " link Stopwatch}.) Initials : 3 letters or numbers to indicate your initials or the video title. @ENDNODE @NODE TextMacros @Title "Various Text Macros" TEXT MACROS (Important) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you want to change the colour of text, insert a % character followed by the HEX value of the colour, eg: %0 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 %a %b %c %d %e %f ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits and Subtitles ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Subtitles only: To insert a page-break, start the line with a '\' character.) 1: If you want to change the current font (once per line) the first thing on the line should be: ~[Font],[Size]: eg: ~times,24: The tilde, comma and colon are necessary. If you don't need to change the font, omit this stage. 2: Now, the default formatting is CENTRALISED - so if you want centered text, just enter the text line. Else, enter one of these: Left-justify: {[Text line] eg: {Producer Right-justify: }[Text line] eg: }Jason Henegan Span-in: [Left]<[Right] eg: The Bishop[Right] eg: The Actress>Miss X So, a complicated example could be: \~helvetica,18:Director>Jason Henegan - which incorporates: a page-break a font-change (to helvetica 18) span-out: Director (and) Jason Henegan Remember inside a multi-line text entry gadget you may insert a font macro from the font-requester by pressing amiga-f. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table ~~~~~~~ 1: Decide if you want a page break. Yes: start the line with a '\' char. The first line doesn't need one. 2: If you want to change the line's font, do so in the normal way: ~[font],[size]: eg: ~helvetica,24: 3: Next, for each element on the line choose the formatting it requires: Left justify : {[Text] eg: {Liverpool Right justify: }[Text] eg: }Arsenal Centered : [Text] eg: 3-1 Elements are seperated by a ',' character. Each element except the last on the line has one. EG: \~courier,18:{This,Is,}Page 2 will display: This Is Page 2 - Which is left-format 'This', centre-format 'Is', and right-format 'Page 2'. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Examples ~~~~~~~~~~ Colours: %4R%5A%6I%7N%8B%9O%aW (RAINBOW) Left-Justify: {texttexttexttexttext Right-Justify: }texttexttexttexttext Centre: texttexttexttexttext (no macro) Span-In: LefthandsizeRighthandsize Font Change: ~helvetica,24: Page Break: \TheNextLine ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See also @{" Character Macros "link ExtraMacros}. @ENDNODE @NODE ExtraMacros @TITLE "Extra Macros" Extra Macros ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Copyright Symbol: ^c (not CONTROL-C) Registered Symbol: ^r (not CONTROL-R) @ENDNODE @NODE SettingsMenu @TITLE "Settings Menu" Settings Menu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is used to configure ProTitler's appearance: +--------------------------+ | @{" Set Font Parameters... " link SetFontParams} | | @{" Set CinemaScope... " link SetCine} | | @{" Set Palette... " link SetPalette} | | @{" Set Screen Position... " link ReposScreen} | |==========================| | @{" Load Settings... " link LoadSettings} | | @{" Save Settings... " link SaveSettings} | +--------------------------+ @ENDNODE @NODE SetFontParams @TITLE "Set Font Parameters" Font Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Displays how fonts will be rendered inside the effects. It's important to try out these values with different fonts, as they significantly alter how the final effect will appear. Precede X : Number of pixels BEFORE the letter which are in shadow. Used to make fonts crisper on TV. Shadow X : Shadow pixels AFTER the letter - again, to make the font easier to read when genlocked. Shadow Y : Vertical offset (DOWNWARDS) of the shadow. Note: The larger the shadows are, the longer the font takes to render. @ENDNODE @NODE SetCine @TITLE "CinemaScope" CinemaScope ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CinemaScope is the black border above and below a picture. It's only of real use with a genlock, I'm afraid. ^ , v : These set the size of the CinemaScope. Note: The performance of @{"Credits" link Credits} & @{"Scrolling Pictures"link ScrollingPictures} is limited if you use CinemaScope. This is because CinemaScope takes up two screens; and if they're taken, they can't be used for long credit lists (either to display text or a picture). @ENDNODE @NODE SetPalette @TITLE "Colour Palette" Colour Palette ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just a palette requester, changes the palette both for the effects, and the user-interface. Note: For most effects, you choose how many colours the screens are drawn in - it's either 4, 8, or 16. If you choose a 4 colour screen you cannot use colours 5 onwards. If you choose an 8 colour screen you cannot use colours 9 onwards. The fewer the number of colours, the faster the screen will render, and the less CHIP-MEM it will consume. (See @{" General Information " link GenInfo}.) I've included a free memory display in the @{" 'Misc' menu " link MiscMenu}. @ENDNODE @NODE LoadSettings @TITLE "Load Settings" Load Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This will load your font parameters CinemaScope setting colour palette screen position. You can load the DEFAULT ProTitler parameters inside 'ProTitler.pt.settings'. @ENDNODE @NODE SaveSettings @TITLE "Save Settings" Save Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This will save your font parameters CinemaScope setting colour palette screen position. You can save the DEFAULT ProTitler parameters inside 'ProTitler.pt.settings'. @ENDNODE @NODE Extras @TITLE "Extras (Registered version)" Extras.lha ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Registered version of the program comes with a large .lha archive. This contains the following: Big1-?.iff: A HUGE demo of 'Scrolling Pictures' - requires 2mb Chip mem. titler?.AMOS: The 238k AMOS Basic listing. Contains 27k of sprites. Also see @{" Distribution " link Registered}. To decompress it, double-click on the 'Extract-Archive' icon or simply type: lha x extras.lha ram: LHA is provided. The registration fee is not intended to cover lha since it may be freely obtained. NOTE: The contents of this archive may change with new versions of ProTitler. @ENDNODE @NODE KnownBugs @TITLE "Known Bugs" KNOWN BUGS (boo hiss) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Multi-line text entry gadget: Won't like it when the cursor is deeper than 255 lines into the text. (Trust me on that one.) A simple way to get round this is to load text into the gadget which was created in a text-editor (press amiga-l) You can shift between ProTitler and the WorkBench by pressing amiga-a. VCR-Graphics: Any font other than Expanded-16 may look odd on the channel & Ana. Timer: indicator and time. Why you'd want to use any other font than this beats me - Expanded-16 looks the best! :) I'll try and fix bugs for registered users in the next version. If you know of a bug and are using the unregistered version then please @{" register "link Registration}. NOTE: ProTitler has been developed within a PAL environment. ProTitler may work correctly in an NTSC environment but I cannot guarantee it will be aligned exactly on the screen. If there is sufficient demand for NTSC screens I'll fix the code. @ENDNODE @NODE Registration @TITLE "Registration" REGISTRATION for ProTitler ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Remember ProTitler is SHAREWARE. Please send a minimum of £5 sterling (UK) or £10 (non-UK) to my address: Jason Henegan 2 Orchard Close Biggleswade Beds SG18 ONE England And I'll send you the latest version. Also include any suggestions, bug reports and comments about the program (already one idea for an effect was implemented by the time the cheque cleared!). If enough people register, I'll improve the program. I'm not sure how you'd go about sending in the registration fee from outside the UK.. Consult your bank - £10 is due to cashing and postal charges. Remember UK currency is POUNDS STERLING, not dollars or ECUs. You can send CASH, but I don't recommend it. If you do, ProTitler will usually be despatched within one day (compared to a week for cheques). You've seen my ugly mug in the Project/About menu. If you want your picture included in the program, send me an IFF picture (any size) on a low-density disk and I'll try to include it - the code is already written, I just need a picture.. PLEASE NOTE: The registered version of ProTitler will include your address in the program. This is to prevent piracy, since everyone (including the Federation Against Software Theft) can read it. Until next time, have fun with ProTitler! @ENDNODE @NODE Versions @TITLE "ProTitler Versions" ProTitler Versions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vers. Date commenced 1.0 (9-10-94) Created. 1.1 (11-11-94) Analogue Timer added. (Registered version) This guide created. 1.2 (25-11-94) VCR Graphics added. (Registered version) 1.3 (4-12-94) Multi-line entry gadget:Optimised scrolling Load,Save,Clear,Font hotkeys (see @{" General Information " link GenInfo}) Dialogue boxes:ZOOOM out at you! Teeth:'Ping' Bug fixes:Countdown Timer - Font width problem Stopwatch - Font width problem - HUGE fonts caused banding on sponsor name VCR Graphics - CinemaScope problem TV Trailer - Fell over with shadowy=0 ActionReplay - Screen not clear at startup Font Selector - Now loads fonts with a ' ' in the name Credits - CinemaScope not set up at start Scrolling Pics - Where's the CinemaScope? Multi-line text entry gadget - Fell over with no linefeeds Subtitles - Mysteriously changed fonts on every new screen Video Adjust:Repositions screens for 'odd' genlocks 1.4 (29-12-94) Scratchy Film added. (Registered version) Bug fixes:Load/save settings corrected Countdown - Fonts caused errors when 00:00.00 printed when finished Choosefont - Patched error for when no screen activated. 1.5 (7-1-95) Bug fixes:Stopwatch font width error removed (this time Stopwatch:New mode of operation 'frame counter' from a registered user suggestion. Frame Counter added. (Registered version) 1.6 (21-1-95) Bug fixes:Multi-line gadget - entering graphics error 2.0 (22-1-95) Project Linker added. (Registered version) (Registered user suggestion) Scrolltext - 'Y Pos' gadget added Static Picture becomes Picture Slideshow Sports Scoring - toggle timer on/off added Bug fixes:Linker - didn't accept list of 1 effect long - didn't correct colour palette after list had ended. NTSC fixes: Analogue Timer Scrolltext VCR Graphics @ENDNODE @NODE Contact @TITLE "Contact The Author" Contact ~~~~~~~~~ You can contact me at this address: Jason Henegan 2 Orchard Close Biggleswade Beds SG18 ONE England Who are you?: @{" Unregistered User " link UnRegisteredUsers} @{" Registered User " link RegisteredUsers} @{" Software Company " link SoftwareCompany} @{" PD/BBS/Aminet " link PD} Send me bug reports (for @{" registered " link Registration} users only) or suggestions for future effects or versions. I can only support registered users who can't load the program, or unpack the @{" Extra.lha "link Extras} archive, or anything else that SERIOUSLY detracts from your enjoyment of ProTitler. Please don't ask something like "How do I get an effect to do this...." because the chances are I'm too busy to reply - it has to be a (near) life & death situation! Registered users can receive free updates in the future if they send me a disk to put it on. Please specify the version of the program you have. For all correspondence (except registering) it would be helpful to me to include a stamped, self-addressed envelope for a reply. By doing so increases your chances of receiving a reply! :) [Overseas correspondence don't bother with the stamps, they'd be too hard to obtain] ProTitler was conceived, created, and tested on an A1200 with: - 40MHz 68EC030 - CU-Amiga AMOS+Compiler - 40MHz 68882 - ABCDir - Workbench/Kickstart 3.0 - Disk-Masher - 2 Mb Chip-mem - LHA - 12 Mb Fast-mem - Imagine 2.0 - 80 Mb IDE Hard Drive - ImageStudio - Zappo External Drive - VistaPro 2 - Amitek Fusion Genlock - Deluxe Paint AGA Colour scans (@{" Extras.lha " link Extras}): - Mac Performa - Epson Scanner - Sparc IPX (Computers at Aston University) @ENDNODE @NODE UnRegisteredUsers @TITLE "Unregistered Users:" UNREGISTERED USERS: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It is both illegal and immoral for you to own the REGISTERED version of this program. Please take the time out to @{" register " link Registration}. Remember, although you may not own a genlock, you may do in the future. If and when you do, you'll need excellent genlock software. Deluxe-Paint may be all you need for BASIC titles, but comes nowhere near to the standard of titling effects within Protitler. If you are having a few problems with ProTitler (namely BUGS) please register and tell me about them. I'll do my best to fix them - I want my registering public to be 'happy' with the product they receive. Don't forget to suggest improvements to ProTitler. The 'frame counter' effect, and the frame counter addition to the stopwatch were suggestions from a registering user. I implemented them before his cheque cleared, so he, and others, received a version update! @ENDNODE @NODE RegisteredUsers @TITLE "Registered Users:" REGISTERED USERS: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks for registering! If you have a problem with ProTitler (one that SEVERELY limits your enjoyment of the program) then please @{" contact " link Contact} me. I'll do my best to help. ProTitler is being updated continually. If you would like an update to your Registered version, then send it to me (with a note saying its version no.) along with a stamped, self-addressed envelope, and I'll send you the latest version. If you have any suggestions as to how I could improve the program then please contact me. If you have an earth-shatteringly great idea I'll send you my implementation free of charge (provided I write it, and provided I'm not too busy). The 'frame counter' effect and the frame counter addition to the 'stopwatch' effect was suggested by a registered user, and implemented over the weekend before his cheque cleared. PROBLEMS WITH PROTITLER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You may have experienced problems with ProTitler? No software is perfect - ProTitler doesn't claim to be. If you have had a problem, either the program aborts completely (and returns to WorkBench) or maybe an effect looks strange with a certain font, please drop me a line and tell me about it. Here's the information I would typically need to diagnose a fault: - Your system - running from hard or floppy disk - your kickstart number - the amount of memory you have (chip & fast) - The files you are using - the project file before you press 'RUN' - any fonts that cause you errors - Diagnostic reports - from any 'checking' software you own, eg SNOOPDOS, lha t, SysInfo (etc) - Info on YOU - How proficient are you with AmigaDOS? - Have you actually read this guide?? (I guess so by now!) Remember the more info the better - it may be the case that other users are experiencing the same fault, or you may have hit on a brand-new bug! I want my registering users to be 'happy' with the product they receive. @ENDNODE @NODE SoftwareCompany @TITLE "Software Company" Software Company: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As far as I'm aware, ProTitler is the leader of the dedicated genlocking software market in a field of one. If you would like to market ProTitler as a full commercial software package then please @{" contact " link contact} me. Perhaps you'd like to see your genlock come with great genlock software? Perhaps you are looking for high-quality productivity software for the Amiga? Maybe you're looking for a graduate-programmer? (yeah, I'm unemployed) @ENDNODE @NODE PD @TITLE "PD Company" PD Company: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thankyou for stocking ProTitler in your collection. If you haven't already read the @{" distribution "link Unregistered} details, please do so now. Remember you may only stock the UNREGISTERED version. @ENDNODE @NODE MiscMenu @TITLE "Misc Menu" Misc Menu ~~~~~~~~~~~ This contains everything else I didn't include anywhere else :) +--------------------------+ | @{" Chip Free... " link ChipFree} | | @{" Fast Free... " link FastFree} | |==========================| | @{" CinemaScope: OFF " link SetCine} | |==========================| | @{" Gadget Test... " link GadgetTest} | | @{" Watch Video... " link WatchVideo} | +--------------------------+ @ENDNODE @NODE ChipFree @TITLE "Chip Mem Free" Chip Mem Free ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ProTitler uses Chip-Mem to display graphics and screens. Some effects, like @{" Credits " link Credits} and @{" Scrolling Pictures " link ScrollingPictures} may not operate correctly with small amounts of chip-mem. The number of @{" screen colours " link ScrCols} determines how much chip-mem is consumed. Basically, a 16-colour screen takes up twice as much chip-mem as a 4-colour one. @ENDNODE @NODE FastFree @TITLE "Fast Mem Free" Fast Mem Free ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ProTitler doesn't use much fast-mem.. In fact it doesn't allocate much more than is required to actually load it. I have set up an 80k buffer in AMOS. @ENDNODE @NODE GadgetTest @TITLE "Gadget Test" Gadget Tester ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is mainly for my use - it just displays all user-interface gadgets included in the version. It also allows you to try them out and become familiar with some of the more complex ones. You can leave the screen at any time, and it doesn't affect any ProTitler variables or effects. @ENDNODE @NODE Future @TITLE "Future Additions" Future Additions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here is a list of things I could add to ProTitler. Whether I do or not will depend on several things: * Registration: If very few people register, I'll not consider putting more time into ProTitler, and therefore won't expand it any further. I appreciate the genlock market is small, but maybe one day you'll get sick of bland home-videos and buy a genlock! * Feedback: If any of the registering community come up with an awesome suggestion for ProTitler, then I may implement that first. * Employment: If I actually manage to get a job (and thanks go to Mr Major on that one) I may be such a model employee that I have no spare time for myself! ;) So far, I have come up with the following expansions/improvements: * Digital Clock: Add a switch to make the clock traditional analogue. * File Req.: Do away with the crappy AMOS file requester and make my own.. This will involve designing a new gadget for the interface. * Company Logo: Add support for every effect to display your company's logo somewhere on the screen. This may be something to do with hardware-sprite trickery at first glance.. * Pos Gadget: A new gadget to ease the inputting of positional percentages. At the moment, positions are entered into two fields. The new gadget would combine these and allow the user to input a position graphically in a little box representing the screen. @ENDNODE @NODE WatchVideo @TITLE "Watch Video" Watch Video ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This allows you to view what the Amiga is genlocking over. The only real reason I can think of putting this in was if you were positioning your VCR to a specific point which your genlock-graphics were to go onto. @ENDNODE @NODE ReposScreen @TITLE "Reposition Screen" Reposition Screen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This allows you to reposition the effects on the screen. My Amitek genlock moves everything over to the right a little so I needed to add this feature. The cursor keys move the screen about, ESCape cancels the operation, while Space or Return accepts. You may save the settings as the defaults (in 'ProTitler.pt.settings'). Make sure the screen is centralised, because if it isn't, some effects (such as CinemaScope and Scrolltext) may not function correctly. NOTE: The screen is positioned on rather coarse horizontal boundaries. This is beyond my control and is a constraint made within AMOS. @ENDNODE @NODE Thanks @TITLE "Thanks go to.." Hearty thanks and a huge slap on the back go to: * Jim Buckley for correspondence and many suggestions on ProTitler * Mark Goodrich for feedback and suggestions with NTSC in ProTitler * Amiga User International, for publishing ProTitler * 17-bit PD for featuring ProTitler on their CD and disks * Registered users for registering --- * Whoever wrote Lightwave * Nicky Campbell on Radio-1 in the afternoons * Zig & Zag for just being so silly ..Without all of whom my life would be a sad and dreary state. @ENDNODE @NODE INDEX @TITLE "Index" @{" Author " link Contact} @{" Bugs " link KnownBugs} @{" Contents " link MAIN} @{" Disclaimer " link Disclaimer} Distribution @{" Registered " link Registered} @{" Unregistered " link Unregistered} @{" Effects " link Effects} @{" Action Replay " link ActionReplay} @{" Analogue timer " link AnalogueTimer} @{" Countdown Timer " link CountdownTimer} @{" Credits " link Credits} @{" Frame Counter " link FrameCounter} @{" Icon Captions " link IconCaptions} @{" Linking Effects " link ProjectLinker} @{" Scrolling Pictures " link ScrollingPictures} @{" Scrolltext " link Scrolltext} @{" Sports Scoring " link SportsScoring} @{" Picture Slideshow " link StaticPicture} @{" Stopwatch " link Stopwatch} @{" Subtitles " link Subtitles} @{" System Clock " link SystemClock} @{" Table " link Table} @{" TV Trailer " link TVTrailer} @{" VCR Graphics " link VCRGraphics} Extras @{" LHA archive " link Extras} Frame Counting @{" Via Stopwatch " link Stopwatch} @{" Via Frame Counter " link FrameCounter} Gadgets @{" General Use " link GenInfo} @{" Tester " link GadgetTest} @{" General Information " link GenInfo} @{" Installation " link RunningProtitler} @{" Introduction " link Introduction} @{" Known Bugs " link KnownBugs} @{" Linked Projects " link ProjectLinker} Macros @{" Formatting Macros " link TextMacros} @{" Character Macros " link ExtraMacros} Memory @{" Chip Mem Free " link ChipFree} @{" Fast Mem Free " link FastFree} @{" Requirements " link Effects} Menus @{" Misc Menu " link MiscMenu} @{" Settings Menu " link SettingsMenu} @{" Palette " link SetPalette} @{" Registration " link Registration} Settings @{" CinemaScope " link SetCine} @{" Font Parameters " link SetFontParams} @{" Load Settings " link LoadSettings} @{" Menu " link SettingsMenu} @{" Palette " link SetPalette} @{" Save Settings " link SaveSettings} @{" Screen Position " link ReposScreen} @{" Reposition Screen " link ReposScreen} @{" Shareware " link Registration} Users @{" Aminet Sites " link PD} @{" BBSs " link PD} @{" PD Companies " link PD} @{" Registered Users " link RegisteredUsers} @{" Software Companies " link SoftwareCompany} @{" Unregistered Users " link UnRegisteredUsers} @{" Versions " link Versions} @{" Watch Video " link WatchVideo} @ENDNODE